Self-Efficacy and Learning Disabilities Intervention (SELDI)

Suomen Akatemian rahoittama kolmevuotinen tutkimushanke: Niilo Mäki Instituutti ja Jyväskylän yliopiston erityispedagogiikan laitos:

The proposed project aims at developing and assessing interventions for LDs that target not only cognitive, skill-specific areas of learning disabilities, but also explicitly the affective and motivational issues, especially self-efficacy. The general objective of the proposed research project is to investigate the added value of incorporating self-efficacy training into a more traditional approach to interventions of reading and mathematics disabilities which focus on the subject specific cognitive skills. In addition, moderator effect of self-efficacy beliefs on executive functions and learning strategies and their intervention efficacy will be investigated. The research will consist of three substudies focusing on (a) reading interventions, (b) mathematics interventions, (c) intervention on executive functions and strategies.